Τρίτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2018

Αυτοί είναι οι έξι τρόποι για να ξεφύγεις από επίθεση άγριου ζώου - 6 Ways to Survive Wild Animal Attacks

Πώς να επιβιώσετε από επιθέσεις άγριων ζώων; 
Πώς πρέπει να αντιδράσετε αν π.χ. βρεθείτε αντιμέτωποι με έναν θυμωμένο λύκο;

Σύμφωνα με το βίντεο που ακολουθεί αν για παράδειγμα έρθετε αντιμέτωποι με μια αρκούδα, μην επιδιώξετε άμεση επαφή με τα μάτια. Απλά αρχίστε να περπατάτε μακριά. Αν η αρκούδα αρχίσει να πλησιάζει, μείνετε στη θέση, σας κουνήστε τα χέρια σας και μιλήστε αρκετά δυνατά ώστε η αρκούδα να σας ακούσει.

Δείτε περισσότερα για ζώα όπως ο καρχαρίας, ο κροκόδειλος και ο λύκος.

How to survive wild animal attacks? How should you react if confronted by an angry wolf? Before you head out for a hike or to the sea, keep watching to learn how to react to these 6 dangerous animals — and make sure you live to tell the tale! ☝️ If the bear has noticed you, do not make direct eye contact. Simply begin to walk away. If the bear starts to approach you, stand your ground, wave your arms, and speak loudly enough that the bear can hear you. ...
If a bison charges at you, run for cover as quickly as you can. They might look a little slow because they’re so heavy, but they will catch up with you if you don’t hurry. Find cover behind a large boulder or another large object. A shark might attack if he thinks he has to compete with you for food or thinks you’re a big fish. If the situation escalates and it begins to attack you, try to punch some of the shark’s sensitive spots. The nose is a good target, but doing this can leave your hand too close to the shark’s mouth. 
TIMESTAMPS: Grizzly bear 0:41 Bison 1:51 Shark 3:00 Mountain lion 4:05 Crocodile 5:13 Wolf 6:24 Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
SUMMARY: - If you’re out in the middle of a forest and encounter a grizzly bear, do not try to outrun it. Bears can charge at up to 40 mph. - If a bison charges at you, run for cover as quickly as you can. They might look a little slow because they’re so heavy, but they will catch up with you if you don’t hurry.
- If the shark is close to you but appears to be just passing by, curl yourself up into a ball as best you can, and keep your splashing to a minimum. If it’s circling you, don’t turn your back on it, and maintain eye contact. -
If you are alone and you encounter a mountain lion on your trail, you need to channel your inner hunter. The mountain lion will assess if you are prey.
- If you’re in the water and a crocodile bites you, you need to fight with all your effort. Crocodiles have the strongest bite of any animal currently living, and they’re rivaled only by the great white shark. -
You need to show the wolf that you are not an easy target. Shout loudly, and become aggressive. The wolf might still keep you in sight, but he might back off just enough for you to make your escape. Subscribe to Bright Side :
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