Κυριακή 30 Αυγούστου 2009

The True Face Of Israel Terrorism

Aug 28th, 2009 by kawther.salam

West Bank/ Hebron, August 27 2009, Israeli IDF occupation criminal pointing his rifle to the chest of a child in the old city of Hebron, preventing him from reaching his home in the heart of occupied city. Picture credit AP/ Palestinian Newspapers.

In Hebron, one of the Palestinian towns in the West Bank, About 500 armed Jewish squatters from Kach the terror organization, lead by Moshe Levinger , Baruch Marzel, and Noam Federrman, protected by 5000 IDF soldiers, live in the heart of city terrorizing, 200.000 Palestinians and converting their daily life into misery and disaster.

The yearly budget of the government for financing the social security in Israel is always reduced and transferred to the IDF in order to keep protecting these armed squatters in the middle of Palestinian civilians, and corrupting Israel.

Special Palestine Cry Blog articles

IOF bomb a tunnel in the Strip late Saturday night
Gaza, August 30, 2009 (Pal Telegraph)- Israeli occupation Air Force jets bombed a tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip on Saturday night. The Israeli occupation army spokeswoman said that the raid targeted "a tunnel constructed under the building aimed at an operation against the Israeli forces stationed on the border with Gaza one and a half kilometers (a mile) from the site."

"O σιωπών δοκεί συναινείν"

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