Κυριακή 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Ερωτηματικά και άλλα Ερωτήματα... Αναπάντητα και επίκαιρα μέχρι σήμερα

Μισθοδοσία «εκτάκτων συνεργατών» της ΚΥΠ για το 1982. Μιχ, Πλ, Δάκ, Μιχ… 
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Military or intelligence (ruling)
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PDF document, version 1.3
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SHA256 41359cc82a8780f86bb13359cce5c797efe40a25006fc5ca094b678cff79e0b5
Description (as provided by our source)
1. It has been released offline by the greek government archives but it is very difficult to get it and almost impossible to find it uploaded.
2. It is important because it shows that Plevris Kostadinos and Mihaloliakos Nikolaos, the first the father of a greek MP and formerly politician and the second a leader in the greek far-right, were under the payroll of the greek Central Intelligence Agency during 1982, and with high wages.
3. Greek people who are interested in the whereabouts of these politicians.
4. Call the greek ministry of the interior and rquest access to their files however it is highly unlikely that nobody will pick up the phone etc, since the public service doesn't really work in greece.
5. because it has been 26 years since then.
6. No
(Από το http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Greek_KYP_intelligence_payroll_including_politicians,_1981)
Μου αρέσει! · · Κοινοποιήστε · 19 Σεπτεμβρίου ·

 "O σιωπών δοκεί συναινείν"

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