Σε λίγες μέρες ξεκινάει η ετήσια συνάντηση της Λέσχης
Bilderberg – 2015
Φέτος η συνάντηση της Bilderberg Group θα λάβει μέρος 9-14 Ιουνίου, στα βουνά της Αυστρίας, στο Τιρόλο, στο ξενοδοχείο Interalpen Hotel.
Αντίθετα με τα προηγούμενα χρόνια, υπάρχει μεγάλη μυστικότητα για τους καλεσμένους της συνάντησης καθώς και μπόλικη παραπληροφόρηση ως προς την φετινή τοποθεσία της.
Μπορούμε πάντα να μαντέψουμε ότι η καυτή πατάτα, είναι κύρια η προσαρμοστικότητα των λαών στις συνεχείς επιβολές λιτότητας και ασφυκτικών μέτρων που κρύβονται σε θέματα όπως “δημογραφικό”, “κλιματική αλλαγή”, “ανάπτυξη” κ.λ.π. ανάλογη ατζέντα με το Παγκόσμιο Οικονομικό Φόρουμ, στο Νταβός.
Επίσης ακούγεται ότι φέτος τα μέτρα είναι δρακόντεια ξεπερνώντας κάθε άλλη χρονιά.
Ο φόβος κάποιας μερίδας της ελίτ για προστασία της από επερχόμενες καταστροφές -φυσικές, κοινωνικές εξεγέρσεις, επιδημίες κλπ- έχει επίσης αποδειχθεί πολύ καλή μπίζνα για μερικούς, ειδικά για αυτούς που κατασκευάζουν υπερπολυτελή καταφύγια για τη διάσωσή τους, τα οποία μοσχοπουλιούνται σε εκείνους που λαχταρούν να δουν τον κάλω τους να επιβιώνει όταν ολόγυρα όλα θα έχουν γίνει στάχτη και μπούλμπερη.
Μην χαθεί και το ερπετοειδές γένος…
Τελικά αυτοί ζούνε πιο πολύ μέσα στο φόβο από εμάς τους ταπεινούς.
Δείτε το μέρος και το ξενοδοχείοΤελικά αυτοί ζούνε πιο πολύ μέσα στο φόβο από εμάς τους ταπεινούς.
BILDERBERG 2015 - Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in Austria to hold the Bilderberg Group Conference
Researchers and Internet sleuths believe that they have already uncovered the location of next year’s secretive elite Bilderberg Group meeting. Bilderberg, the annual gathering of the world’s most powerful politicians and business magnates, is clearly shaping global policies by positioning its favored politicians as world leaders, determining the timetables of military conflicts and influencing the economic policies of nearly every nation on the planet, impacting the lives of billions around the globe.
It is claimed that the 63rd Bilderberg confab, at which prominent political, financial and business figures will gather, is to be once again held in Europe. The exact location is said to be the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol, a remote “five-star hotel conference centre” in the Austrian mountains.
The location of the 2015 gathering has reportedly already been confirmed by Austrian police, who spoke with the Austrian press agency APA. While the police spokesperson declined to give precise details about security requirements, it was confirmed that preparations are underway. The police, according to the Austrian report, will also be preparing for protests. 1) Nuclear diplomacy – how Russia, China and even Iran could work together to erode western hegemony. 2) The recent gas agreement between Russia and China – how this and other long-term projects between the two countries will likely reduce dependency on the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency. 6) From Ukraine to Syria – Is Obama’s foreign policy doomed? In the early 2000s, late investigative journalist Jim Tucker correctly predicted that Operation Iraqi Freedom would commence in March 2003 and not in late 2002 as so many defense analysts were suggesting at the time.
But how did Tucker know? Because he wasn’t just guessing; sources inside Bilderberg told him.
Estulin also correctly predicted the 2007 collapse of the housing bubble a year before it happened after receiving information from his own sources inside the Bilderberg Group.
Interalpen-Hotel is surrounded by forest and mountains, close to a ski resort, and not too far away from Innsbruck airport. Its ‘Meetings And Events’ brochure, states that “the hotel lies at an altitude of 1,300 metres in an exclusive setting in the Tirolean Alps and offers panoramic views of magnificent mountain peaks.” "Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol" austria europe bilderberg "bilderberg 2015" 2015 research belief elite meeting conference "five star hotel" remote location austrian police press "body guard" security prepare report "ski resort" airport events ski snowboarding exclusive lifestyle historic history future humanity "european union" 2014 book "hotel room" mafia corporate surveillance mountain "ski holiday" snow hotel venue media entertainment global prediction "elite nwo agenda" power control switzerland davos 2015 alex jones rant gerald celente trends in the news max keiser david icke anonymous occupy ebola pandemic illuminati freemason symbolism end game we the people lindsey williams louis farrakhan demcad jsnip4 we are change
The venue, owned by Swiss manufacturing giant The Liebherr Group, has a 400-capacity conference centre with “a magnificent Alpine backdrop”. The hotel previously hosted the Bilderbergers in 1988, 27 years ago. If the latest reports are correct, 2015 will mark the third occasion that the conference has been held in Austria.
If the Interalpen-Hotel is indeed used as the venue for 2015, it will be reminiscent of the 2011 meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland, when Bilderbergers retreated into the mountains, shielded by winding roads and forest cover.
The uncovering of Bilderberg has come earlier than ever before, perhaps reflecting the intense scrutiny that the group has come under in recent years. It should be noted, however, that Bilderberg has been known to throw out red herrings and double book different hotels to throw reporters off the scent, and with 10 months notice, a new venue could easily be arranged.
While the mainstream media habitually fails to afford Bilderberg the press coverage it demands – characterizing the group as a mere “talking shop” – innumerable examples of the organization having a direct impact on global policy have been documented in recent years, leading to charges that the group is fundamentally undemocratic in nature.
In 2013, Italian lawyer Alfonso Luigi Marra requested that the Public Prosecutor of Rome investigate the clandestine organization for criminal activity, questioning whether the group’s 2011 meeting in Switzerland led to the selection of Mario Monti as Prime Minister of Italy. Kiss frontman Gene Simmons is defending the bankster one percent. banksters and corporatists.
=========================="O σιωπών δοκεί συναινείν"
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To μπλόκ " Στοχσμός-Πολιτική" είναι υπεύθυνο μόνο για τα δικά του σχόλια κι όχι για αυτά των αναγνωστών του...Eπίσης δεν υιοθετεί απόψεις από καταγγελίες και σχόλια αναγνωστών καθώς και άρθρα που το περιεχόμενο τους προέρχεται από άλλες σελίδες και αναδημοσιεύονται στον παρόντα ιστότοπο και ως εκ τούτου δεν φέρει οποιασδήποτε φύσεως ευθύνη.