Παρασκευή 3 Ιουλίου 2015

ΤΟ Δ.Ν.Τ. ΠΡΟΤΕΙΝΕΙ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ : 60 δις δάνειο, Κούρεμα του Χρέους, 20ετή περίοδο χάριτος και αναδιάρθρωση του υπολοίπου

Οταν ένας λαός στέκεται όρθιος και αντιστέκεται αποφασιστικά αποκλείεται να χάσει τον πόλεμο.

Το ΔΝΤ (IMFμε χθεσινή ανακοίνωσή του, που δημοσιεύει ο Guardian, (http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/jul/02/imf-greece-needs-extra-50bn-euros ) δηλώνει ότι η Ελλάδα πρέπει να πάρει δάνειο 60 δις Ευρώ, να κουρευτεί βαθιά το χρέος της, να γίνει αναδιάρθρωση του χρέους και να της δοθεί 20ετής (εικοσαετής !!!) περίοδος χάριτος στην οποία να μην καταβάλει κανένα ποσό.
Είναι η πρώτη φορά που υπάρχει αυτή η δήλωση από δανειστές στην ιστορία του ελληνικού χρέους. 
Είναι φανερό ότι φοβούνται την χρεοκοπία της Ελλάδας, ότι σάστισαν από την στάση του μέρους του λαού που στηρίζει το ΟΧΙ και έρχονται να κάνουν προτάσεις συμβιβασμού για να λυθεί η κρίση. 
Είναι, όχι μόνο επιβεβαίωση όσων σας γράφαμε χθες και σήμερα, αλλά και μια γροθιά στο στομάχι της Μέρκελ, του Σόιμπλε και όλων των άλλων εταίρων.
Είναι μία γροθιά στο στομάχι των γραικύλων οπαδών του ποταπού και προδοτικού “ναι”.
ΤΑ ΒΡΩΜΟΚΑΝΑΛΑ ΤΗΣ ΟΛΙΓΑΡΧΙΑΣ, αυτά που από την Δευτέρα ζητάμε να κλείσουν οριστικά, ΕΧΟΥΝ ΘΑΨΕΙ την ΕΙΔΗΣΗ, την αποσιωπούν, αφού είναι μία παραδοχή της νίκης του ΟΧΙ, της αποφασιστικότητας και της σύνεσης των οπαδών του ΟΧΙ. ...
Ας την διαδώσουμε όλοι εμείς.

IMF says Greece needs extra €60bn in funds and debt relief
International lender issues strong message to Europe by warning that Athens’ debts are unsustainable and it needs 20-year grace period on debt repayments
A woman passes a wall covered with Vote NO campaign posters on Greece’s bailout referendum. Photograph: Fotis Plegas G./EPA
Phillip Inman, Larry Elliott and Alberto Nardelli

The International Monetary Fund has electrified the referendum debate in Greece after it conceded that the crisis-ridden country needs up to €60bn (£42bn) of extra funds over the next three years and large-scale debt relief to create “a breathing space” and stabilise the economy.

With days to go before Sunday’s knife-edge referendum that the country’s creditors have cast as a vote on whether it wants to keep the euro, the IMF revealed a deep split with Europe as it warned that Greece’s debts were “unsustainable”.

Fund officials said they would not be prepared to put a proposal for a third Greek bailout to the Washington-based organisation’s board unless it included both a commitment to economic reform and debt relief.

According to the IMF, Greece should have a 20-year grace period before making any debt repayments and final payments should not take place until 2055. It would need €10bn to get through the next few months and a further €50bn after that.

The Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras welcomed the IMF’s intervention saying in a TV interview that what the IMF said was never put to him during negotiations.

Urging a no vote on Sunday he said: “Voting no to a solution that isn’t viable doesn’t mean saying no to Europe. It means demanding a solution that’s realistic.
“Either you give in to ultimatums or you opt for democracy. The Greek people can’t be bled dry any longer.”

Tsipras is campaigning for a no vote in the referendum on Sunday, which is officially on whether to accept a tough earlier bailout offer, to impress on EU negotiators that spiralling poverty and a collapse in everyday business activity across Greece has meant further austerity should be ruled out of any new rescue package.

Varoufakis, the academic-turned-politician who has riled his eurozone counterparts, said he would not remain finance minister on Monday if Greece voted yes.

He said he would rather “cut off his arm” than accept another austerity bailout without any debt relief for Greece, adding that he was “quite confident” the Greek people would back the government’s call for a no vote.

The Greek government’s defiant stance came as the head of the Hellenic Chambers of Commerce, Constantine Michalos, said he did not believe Greece’s banks would be able to reopen next Tuesday without further funding, telling the Daily Telegraph he had been told cash reserves were down to €500m.

The government’s stance was attacked by former prime minister Costas Karamanlis, who said a no vote would amount to a “choice for withdrawal from the heart of Europe”.

His statement was echoed by another former prime minister, Antonis Samaras, who said going back to the drachma would kill the Greek economy.

The president of the European parliament, Martin Schulz, reflecting the deep anger felt in Brussels at the erratic negotiating tactics adopted by Tsipras and Varoufakis, said Greek voters should blame Tsipras for bringing the country to its knees.

Schulz said: “New elections would be necessary if the Greek people vote for the reform programme and thus for remaining in the eurozone and Tsipras, as a logical consequence, resigns.”

In an outburst that was extraordinary coming from the most senior official in the EU parliament, he argued that the radical left Syriza government should be replaced by a technocratic administration.

“If this transitional government reaches a reasonable agreement with the creditors, then Syriza’s time would be over,” he said. “Then Greece has another chance.”

But the intervention by the IMF will undermine EU leaders who argue Greece must submit to a fresh round of austerity measures to release funds for debt repayments.

In a strong message to Brussels, the IMF said they would need to find extra money for Greece following the marked deterioration in the state of the economy since Tsipras’s Syriza coalition took over at the start of the year.

“Very significant changes in policies and in the outlook since early this year have resulted in a substantial increase in financing needs. Altogether, under the package proposed by the institutions to the Greek authorities, these needs are projected to reach about €50bn from October 2015 to the end of 2018, requiring new European money of at least €36bn over the three-year period.”

The fund said Greece’s financing needs had risen since it completed its study in late June, with paralysis in the economy following the imposition of capital controls last weekend.

Greece was already back in recession even before the recent deepening of the crisis and looks unlikely to meet the IMF’s forecast of 0% growth this year. The fund has been consistently over-optimistic about Greece’s economic prospects, but officials said that if the economy did contract in 2015, it would make up the lost ground in the future.

Nick Kounis, economist at ABN Amro, said: “The IMF’s report on Greek debt makes grim reading but its growth assumptions are too optimistic, hence debt projections are too low.”

The IMF said that even if Greece is offered generous terms, it is still likely to require a reduction in debt of around 30% of national income to bring it down to 117% of GDP, the uppermost limit of what the fund considered sustainable at the time of the second Greek bailout in the autumn of 2012.

“Even with concessional financing through 2018, debt would remain very high for decades and highly vulnerable to shocks. Assuming official (concessional) financing through end–2018, the debt-to-GDP ratio is projected at about 150% in 2020, and close to 140% in 2022.

“Using the thresholds agreed in November 2012, a haircut that yields a reduction in debt of over 30% of GDP would be required to meet the November 2012 debt targets.”

The IMF added that if growth was lower than expected or if the Greek government failed to meet targets for running a surplus on its budget excluding interest payments, there would be “significant increases in debt and gross financing needs”.

The IMF said that is was releasing its preliminary draft debt sustainability analysis as a result of the leaks of documents reported in the Guardian earlier this week.

Significantly, it said its assessment had “not been agreed with the other parties in the policy discussions” – an admission that the fund is at odds with its troika partners, the European commission and the European Central Bank – over the need for debt relief.

The fund has traditionally viewed debt relief as an integral part of any package to improve the economic prospects of a country seeking help, but it has met resistance from European governments fearful that the cost would have to be met by their own taxpayers.

In response to criticism that the IMF has failed to tackle intransigence in European capitals against a further debt write-off, a senior IMF official said: “We are asking the Greeks to do very difficult things. We are also asking the Europeans to do something very difficult.

“The extension of maturities [by the EU] on Greek debt would be a dramatic move.”

He said that while “it was a fact that Europe has already provided considerable debt relief in GDP terms” to Greece, the current dire situation meant they needed to do more.

The official said he had refused to put forward plans for a further bailout of Greece to the IMF board without a comprehensive deal that included debt relief.

“We cannot go to our board with this report unless we have a credible programme that is sustainable and with a policy from the EU on debt relief. We want a comprehensive solution and cannot go to the IMF board without it.”

IMF tells Greece: no debt relief before reforms
Christine Lagarde comments likely to infuriate Greek government, whose plea for debt relief and bailout extension was rejected 

Greece must sign up to economic reforms before it gets debt relief, the International Monetary Fund, one of the country’s main creditors, has said.
Christine Lagarde, the head of the fund, said it would “be preferable to see a deliberate move towards reforms” in Greece before debt relief was offered. 
Her comments – made in an interview with Reuters in Washington – are likely to infuriate the Greek government, whose last-ditch plea for debt relief, a bailout extension and a €29bn (£20bn) loan was rejected by eurozone governments on Wednesday.
Earlier this week Greece became the first advanced economy to default on a repayment to the IMF, when it failed to pay a €1.5bn loan, toppling Europe into full-blown political crisis.
The German government accused the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, oflying to his own people. Tsipras countered that his creditors were trying to blackmail Greece, during a defiant television speech in which he called for a no vote in Sunday’s referendum.
Greeks are being asked if the government should accept a bailout plan drawn up by its creditors that would restart financial aid in exchange for more austerity and economic reform. 
The latest poll shows a narrow lead for yes, at 47%, while 43% are against, according to GPO survey of 1,000 people on Tuesday. An earlier poll that put the no camp in the lead was partly done before the Greek government imposed a €60 (£43) daily limit on the money people can withdraw from ATMs, leading to long queues outside banks across the country.
On Wednesday night the Eurogroup, made up of eurozone finance ministers, decided it was too late to extend Greece’s bailout or open talks on a new loan. The old bailout expired on Tuesday, depriving Greece of €7.2bn in emergency aid and €10.9bn to shore up its banking system.
Greece’s request for a €29.1bn loan from the eurozone bailout fund would be considered “only after and on the basis of the outcome of the referendum”, said Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch finance minister who chairs the Eurogroup. 
Finland’s foreign minister, Alexander Stubb, said Tsipras’s “blackmail” speech earlier that day had not helped to build confidence.
Despite the uncertainty over the referendum outcome, the Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, said the government was aiming to secure a deal with its creditors on Monday.
But Lagarde’s intervention reinforces the view that a quick deal on debt relief is far from likely.
Meanwhile, the Greek economy has ground to a halt, with spending withering as a result of the €60 withdrawal limit. Shops have closed, assembly lines have stopped and food staples are disappearing from supermarket shelves in a sign of panic buying
Greece desperately needs cash to pay pensions, public sector wages, and a long list of debt repayments. On 20 July, €3.5bn is due to theEuropean Central Bank, but that is only part of €9.3bn in debt repayments due over the summer.
Adding to the pressure on Athens, the ECB on Wednesday decided not to increase emergency aid to shore up the Greek financial system, the same day that Greek pensioners began queueing at dawn to withdraw the €120 they are allowed for the week.
The ECB has poured €89bn into the Greek financial system to shore up banks starved of funds during the 10 months Athens and its creditors have argued over bailout terms. Having paused its aid at the weekend, the ECB’s governing committee decided it would remain frozen once it became clear talks had collapsed and Greece was imposing capital controls. The decision was not a surprise as the Frankfurt-based institution is anxious to avoid charges of political interference.
http://laikometopo.blogspot.com/ , http://laikokinima.forumgreek.com/  , 

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