Τρίτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2018

Φυσήξτε τον αντίχειρά σας για 30' - Τι θα συμβεί στο σώμα σας - Blow on Your Thumb for 30 Seconds, See What Happens to Your Body - VIDEO

Γνωρίζατε ότι απλά φυσώντας τον αντίχειρά σας μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει σε μερικές δύσκολες στιγμές;

Οι αντίχειρες μας έχουν άμεση επίδραση σε αυτό που ονομάζεται πνευμονογαστρικό νεύρο. Αυτό είναι ένα ζευγάρι νεύρων που αποτελεί μέρος του παρασυμπαθητικού συστήματος και διαπερνάει όλα τα μεγάλα όργανα και τους ιστούς, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της μύτης, του στόματος, του λαιμού, των πνευμόνων, της καρδιάς, των εντέρων και πολλών άλλων. Έτσι, όταν φυσάτε στον αντίχειρά σας, δίνετε πρόσθετη διέγερση στο νεύρο σας, που μπορεί να ξεκινήσει μια δέσμη χρήσιμων διαδικασιών σε όλο σας το σώμα.

Σύμφωνα με τον Δρ Arun Ghosh, γενικό ιατρό από το Spire Liverpool Hospital, οι αντίχειρες μας έχουν το δικό τους παλμό. Έτσι, όταν φυσάτε πάνω τους, ρυθμίζετε τον καρδιακό σας ρυθμό και μειώνετε την αρτηριακή σας πίεση, η οποία σας βοηθά να ηρεμήσετε και να αποσυμπιεστείτε. Αυτό το τέχνασμα είναι επίσης πολύ χρήσιμο κάθε φορά που αντιμετωπίζετε έντονο άγχος.

Blow on Your Thumb for 30 Seconds, See What Happens to Your Body
Did you know that simply blowing on your thumb can help you through some really tough times?! Our thumbs have a direct impact on what’s called the vagus nerve. ...

This is a pair of nerves running from the brain and splitting down to all the major organs and tissues, including the nose, mouth, throat, lungs, heart, intestines, and many others.
So when you blow on your thumb, you’re giving additional stimulation to your vagus nerve, which can kick-start a whole bunch of useful processes throughout your body.
According to Dr. Arun Ghosh, a general practitioner from Spire Liverpool Hospital, our thumbs have their own pulse. So when you blow on them, you regulate your heart rate and lower your blood pressure, which helps you calm down and de-stress. This trick is also really useful whenever you’re experiencing major anxiety.
TIMESTAMPS: What this technique is good for 0:58 Other tricks to deal with sudden anxiety 2:36 Look at fractals 2:49 Apply pressure between your knuckles 3:31 Massage your earlobes 3:56 Paint your nails 4:25 Watch fish 5:06 Blow up a balloon 5:42 Smile 6:05 #anxietyattack #stressrelief #calmdown Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
SUMMARY: - When you blow on your thumb, you’re giving additional stimulation to your vagus nerve, which can kick-start a whole bunch of useful processes throughout your body. - Our thumbs have their own pulse. So when you blow on them, you regulate your heart rate and lower your blood pressure, which helps you calm down and de-stress. This trick is also really useful whenever you’re experiencing major anxiety. - Being exposed to natural fractal patterns like leaves, snowflakes, flowers, or ocean waves for at least 20 minutes a day can reduce your stress levels by 60%. - Simply apply pressure to the soft indented point between your second and third knuckles.
This will stimulate a nerve in your body that relaxes the area around the heart. - Your earlobes are actually powerful pressure points that can bring you much-needed relaxation and calm not only your mind but your entire body as well. - According to colorology, a theory that suggests that color and light can be used to balance our emotional, mental, or physical state, looking at certain colors can calm down your nerves.
- A 2015 study published in the journal Environment & Behavior confirmed that watching fish swim in an aquarium leads to a noticeable reduction in blood pressure and heart rate. -
When you blow up a balloon, you also deep-breathe which, once again, regulates your heart rate and makes you feel a bit more relaxed.
- Your smile basically gives a “happy” signal to your brain, which, in turn, responds with a series of bodily reactions that make you feel way better. And if a genuine smile is too much to ask at this point, just fake it! Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz

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