Heidi Parker and Ed Savitt, a charming young couple, felt they had a perfect romance. After their first date, they quickly set another and another, soon falling in love. In the blink of an eye, the two became engaged and got ready to walk down the aisle. All around them, most of their friends and family cheered them on.
However, not everyone felt the same way. Although Savitt seemed practically perfect in every way, Heidi’s mother, Kay Parker, started to have an odd feeling about her soon-to-be son-in-law. She could not put her finger on it, but something did not feel right. Then, Kay discovered a decades-old photograph that confirmed her suspicions and changed their lives forever…
While Ed Savitt and Heidi Parker found each other again, their parents also found long-forgotten friends! It was a win-win situation for everybody. Today, Kay and Keith Parker are best friends with Fiona and Jonathan Savitt. What’s more, they love spending time together, just like they did 20 years ago! Even better, both sets of parents go on vacations together all the time! Just like that trip back in the ‘90s to Turkey. Meanwhile, Ed and Heidi seem very happy! They too go on adventures together just like when they were six! Some things never change…
Of course, Ed Savitt and Heidi Parker are not the only ones who have a decades-old mystery wrapped up in a love story...
2. Budget Struggles

After staying in the dorms the first couple of years, Heidi Parker needed to find a new place to live. However, like many college students, she could not afford an apartment alone. So, she moved in with a few friends. Although not ideal, the group made the living arrangement work....
Thankfully, after a few years, Parker saved up enough to move into a small, one-bedroom apartment of her own. More time passed, and eventually, it came time for her to upgrade once again. While moving out, she met up with the new tenants of her old apartment to give them the keys. The two men seemed nice, talking with Parker for a short time. Little did she know, that this would be the first of many encounters with one of the men.
3. A Small But Peaceful Spot

When Heidi Parker dropped off the keys to her apartment to the new tenants, they didn’t have much time to get to know each other. They talked for a short minute before she wished good luck with the new place and gave them the keys. Afterward, Parker left, and the men continued on moving. The three of them got so caught up in their own business that they didn’t even think to ask each others’ names!
Meanwhile, Parker also felt incredibly excited about moving to a new place. It had everything she wanted, a quiet, beautiful sanctuary all to herself. However, as the years had passed, Parker had started to realize that living alone was not all it was cracked up to be. While she didn’t want any more roommates, she did want to start looking for romance. Thankfully, as luck would have it, the opportunity lay just around the corner…
4. The First Call

One morning, only a few weeks after moving into her new place, Heidi Parker received an unexpected call. Surprisingly, the call came from one of the men who had just moved into her old apartment. The man said that he had received Parker’s number from their landlord, after he couldn’t answer a question.
The man could not figure out how to use the washing machine in Parker’s old apartment. It was old and finicky, requiring a special touch to get it started. During the call, Parker realized that explaining the process over the phone would simply take too long. So, she told the man that she would swing by later that evening to help him out with the washing machine. With that, Parker took another step towards her destiny…
5. The Old Washing Machine

After a long day of classes, Parker arrived at her old place. The man apologized, saying that he had tried it himself many times before calling the landlord and then Parker. She told him to forget about it and went over the entire washing machine process with him. After a few tries, the man managed to start the washing machine on his own!
While they worked, the man realized how tired Parker was and so offered her a cup of coffee. Afterward, the two started talking and an attraction blossomed. So, before the night ended, they planned to meet each other once again. However, this time, no laundry would be involved.
6. Meet Ed Savitt

The man who had moved into Parker’s old home and needed laundry help was Ed Savitt. And although neither of them knew it, they were actually both going to New Castle University together! Not only that, but he was also a double major! However, he was studying Business and Psychology, so their paths had never crossed.
While Parker fell for Savitt during their coffee talk, he later said that he had fallen for her even earlier! While she had shared her tips for washing clothes, Savitt fell head over feels for Parker. However, neither of them wanted to rush into anything. So, the two of them met for one date and then another. Before they knew it, Parker and Savitt were meeting more and more often.
7. Mama’s Girl

Heidi Parker was incredibly close to her mother. So, when she started seeing Savitt regularly, she couldn’t wait to share the news with her mom. Like always, Parker talked to her mother first when beginning to see a new guy.
Kay Parker, Heidi’s mother, knew her daughter had a tendency to get attached to the men she dated. So, after hearing her talk on and on about Savitt, Kay couldn’t help but worry about her little girl. Like most mothers, Kay only wanted her daughter to find happiness. What’s more, Kay Parker wanted to make sure if Savitt was the right guy for her daughter before anything too serious happened.
8. Shared Interests

Meanwhile, as Kay worried about her daughter, Heidi Parker and Ed Savitt continued to date. As they did, the two of them realized they shared so many similar interests! So, they started doing things that they loved together, like hiking and skiing.
What’s more, while Parker and Savitt shared the same passion for sports, and they were equally disinterested in matters of art and literature. Hey, finding someone that likes what you like is easy. Finding someone who hates what you hate, that’s true love. So, they decided to go public to the world about their relationship. Soon, their friends gave the couple quite a promising title…
9. Becoming College Sweethearts

Throughout their final college years, their friends started calling Parker and Savitt “the college sweethearts,” because they felt the couple fit the title so perfectly. Within just a couple of months, the two had become inseparable. Whenever not in school, the two spend their time sporting and creating beautiful memories together.
Before they even realized it, the rest of college had passed. The time came for the two of them to focus on their careers and the rest of their lives. However, while Parker and Savitt felt a little worried about their future careers, they knew they would accomplish their goals alongside one another. They just knew that they were destined to be together forever.
10. After College

As most people know, after college, life gets a whole lot harder. The couple did manage to find jobs. Parker found a job working as a PR Manager at the Sony Interactive Entertainment, while Savitt started working on opening an independent coffee shop.
However, Parker and Savitt had thought they would have each other to celebrate and support one another. Unfortunately, during those early career days, the couple found less and less time for each other. So, they started working on getting a place together, one that they could live in for the rest of their lives. After months of hard work and saving, everything seemed stable enough for the couple to start settling down together. So, the next step was to meet each other’s families…
11. A Mom Party

Heidi Parker and Ed Savitt decided to invite their moms, Kay Parker and Fiona Savitt, over for a dinner party at Heidi’s apartment. While the couple waited for their mothers to arrive, they nervously paced around, fingers crossed that the evening would go well. Of course, it was an important occasion for everyone involved. Thankfully, the couple had covered all the bases, keeping in mind all of their mothers’ food and conversation likes and dislikes.
Fortunately, Heidi and Ed’s efforts went great, as both ladies seemed to enjoy each other’s company. So, their children told their mothers that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together! “We knew we were going to be together forever,” explained Heidi later.
12. One Mother’s Blessing

After her initial worry, Heidi Parker felt pleased that her mom had agreed to meet Ed and his mother, Fiona. Best of all, that day, Kay Parker finally realized how much Ed lover her daughter and wanted everything to work out for the lovely couple. So, she gave Ed her blessing and wished them both a happy life together. Soon, Kay would have a new son-in-law!
Meanwhile, Kay Parker and Fiona Savitt started getting to know each other as well. Surprisingly, it turned out that both mothers also shared similar interests! Over the party, the four of them bonded and enjoyed each other’s company. However, something they soon talked about made Kay’s odd feelings about her future son-in-law resurface…
13. The Moms Loved Sailing

During the party, Fiona and Kay discovered that, just like their children, they had quite a bit in common. For instance, both ladies were the mothers of more than two children and also shared many hobbies. However, the most significant similarity, by far, was that they were both equally passionate about sailing. And unsurprisingly, people like the two of them always have lots of exciting stories to tell.
Furthermore, like most British families, the Parker family and the Savitt family were both fond of the Mediterranean. As they talked, they learned that, during the winter season, both families loved to go sailing during the holidays. Soon, they started sharing each other’s adventures and memorable vacation. Little did they know that those stories would lead to an unbelievable discovery…
14. A Special Vacation

Kay Parker had started by sharing the experience of one of her most memorable vacations, from when Heidi was younger. When Heidi had just turned six, they had gone on a two-week-long vacation to Gumbet, Turkey.
Then, Kay recalled Heidi becoming friends with another six-year-old boy who was also vacationing with his family. After a couple of hours together, both kids began to call one another “boyfriend and girlfriend” and held one another hands all the time. Throughout the rest of the vacation, the kids remained inseparable. While the story was lovely, it didn’t sit super well with Ed, who didn’t love hearing about Heidi’s past “boyfriends.” This was when Kay started having the odd feeling again…
15. Bringing Back Old Memories

Meanwhile, while her future son-in-law did not like Kay’s story, his mother Fiona loved it. They continued talking about it when Kay brought up another detail: Heidi’s old vacation boyfriend also had the name Ed, just like her future son-in-law. Both Fiona and Kay found the coincidence quite interesting!
However, the conversation soon took a different direction. After spending a couple of hours together, Heidi and Ed unveiled a special plan. The couple wanted to get married by the end of that year! Both moms felt overwhelmed by the news and agreed to it. However, Ed “the vacation boyfriend” didn’t leave Kay’s mind. Little did she know that this odd feeling of hers was based on something real…
16. Bizarre Coincidences

Even though the dinner party went perfectly, Kay Parker couldn’t shake the odd feeling about her son-in-law from her mind. She knew Ed Savitt loved her daughter very much. However, there was something about her future son-in-law that she found strange, almost familiar. It clawed at her mind, like a mental itch.
Meanwhile, Kay also found her thoughts returning to her daughter Heidi’s old vacation boyfriend. Suddenly, for no particular reason at all, Kat wanted to know more about the old boy Heidi had spent so much time with. So, she decided to try and do some research to discover the identity of Heidi’s long-forgotten other Ed.
17. Reaching Out To Fiona

Even a few days after the party, Kay Could not forget about the party with her daughter and future son-in-law. So, she contacted Ed’s mother, Fiona, asking if she would help her find out more about the old Ed. Surprisingly, Fiona eagerly agreed! She too had not stopped thinking about Kay’s story of Heidi’s former boyfriend!
Over the next two weeks, the ladies discussed the mystery frequently and researched where they could. However, they turned up nothing. Until, one day, Kay started cleaning her storeroom, making room for some wedding storage. There, she discovered the clue she had been seeking out for weeks…
18. Seeking Some Answers

Weddings seem to just create clutter. So, to help her daughter Heidi, Kay Parker decided to clean her storeroom, letting Heidi and her future son-in-law Ed use the space. As Kay moved out the old boxes, she found an old, dusty photo album underneath.
At that moment, Kay realized that album might contain the answer she needed! Furthermore, later on, Kay said that she believes that the cleaning and dusting was simply an excuse. In the back of her mind, Kay knew the photo album lies somewhere in the storeroom. Now, she needed to see if the old photo album had the answers she so desperately wanted…
19. Two Decades Ago

Immediately, Kay stopped cleaning and sat down with the old photo album. As soon as she started flipping through the pages, Kay felt she was on the right track. She started flipping through the pages, quicker and quicker, sure the album would reveal the identity of her daughter’s vacation boyfriend.
Then Kay came to the section she wanted: pictures from their family vacation in Gumbet, Turkey, all those years ago. Kay started to go through the photographs slowly, hoping to stumble across one of Heidi and her childhood boyfriend. Before long, a single photo answered all Kay’s questions about the old Ed, her future son-in-law, and her daughter…
20. The Incredible Revelation

While looking through the photo album, Kay eventually found a photo of Heidi and her old vacation boyfriend. When Kay saw the image, her jaw dropped to the floor. How could she have never realized it before? The Ed from their vacation decades ago was the same Ed that would soon become her son-in-law!
When Kay made the realization, everything seemed surreal. How could two six-year-old who “dated” on vacation decades ago end up together late on in life? “I was screaming, it was just unreal,” Kay later recalled. While she had always known that Ed Savitt would make a great husband to her daughter, this photo seemed to prove it!
21. The Same Ed

Kay Parker continued to check more photos, to make sure. However, soon, she had no doubts! That little blonde Ed standing next to young Heidi in all those photos was indeed the same Ed that had fallen for her as an adult!
Soon, Kay started to remember all sorts of details about the incredible trip. She recalled how much fun they had as a family and all the adventures they went on. But, most importantly, she remembers how happy her daughter had been during those two weeks. After all, Ed, the little blonde boy, was Heidi’s first love! And now, Ed would become Kay’s son-in-law!
22. A Blonde Boy

As Kay Parker continued through the old photo album, she found more and more pictures of Ed and Heidi together. The two of them seemed so happy together, always smiling. Sure, as six-year-olds, they had no idea what love truly meant. However, from the photos, it was clear that the two truly enjoyed one another’s company, even back then.
As Kay went through more photos of the vacation, she discovered some that she didn’t even remember taking! Like one of the two kids wearing bathing suits, getting ready for an afternoon by the pool. Then, Kay realized: she still hadn’t told anyone about the astonishing news! Heidi’s mother felt incredibly excited to let the engaged couple in on her discovery. But, there was someone else that she wanted to tell first…
23. The First One to Know

Kay Parker did not tell Heidi or Ed of her discovery first. Instead, she went to her future son-in-law’s mother, Fiona Savitt. After all, Fiona had also felt intrigued by the mystery, even helping with Kay with some of the research. “Of course, I sent it to Fiona. Then loads more photographs came out. None of us had any idea whatsoever that Heidi and Ed had met before university. But during that two-week vacation, they held hands most of the time,” said Kay.
After seeing the pictures, Fiona also started remembering the vacation. “When Kay sent me the photo of a little boy called Ed I shrieked, ‘oh my goodness, that’s Ed!’ It was unbelievable,” recalled Fiona.
24. Sharing the News With Her Son-In-Law

Of course, after sharing the pictures with Fiona, Kay went on to share them with Heidi and Ed. When they saw the photos Kay found, her daughter and future son-in-law could not believe the discovery. In fact, according to Heidi, her mother’s incredible discovery changed her life forever.
“When my mum found the first photo of us, she sent it to me, and I was stunned. I actually had to lie down!” Heidi said in an interview. She also added: “Ed’s family then dug out their photo album from the same vacation and found about five other photos of us together and with our siblings too. It was unbelievable!” Soon, the entire family knew about the two lovebirds finding each other once again!
25. Stunned to Their Core

For years, Heidi Parker and Ed Savitt believe their love story started the day she rescued him from the laundry machine. However, they turned out to be completely wrong! Their love story actually began decades ago, as little six-year-olds. And if it hadn’t been for one mother’s shrewd intuition about her son-in-law, they never would have found out!
“It absolutely blows my mind that we could have never found out that we first knew each other all those years ago,” said Heidi. However, once they reconnected almost two decades later, the two of them felt the same attraction they felt as little children. Best yet, this discovery confirmed that the two of them were destined to be together, forever.
26. Fate Brought The Two of Them Together Again

Before Kay Parker made her incredible discovery, Heidi did not believe in fate. However, after her mother discovered her and Ed’s history, she totally changed her mind. “I didn’t believe in fate before finding that out, but there’s no arguing with it – we’re clearly destined to be together!” she said.
Heidi now believes that everything happens for a reason. She and Ed did not meet by coincidence. Instead, fate had always intended for them to end up together. Meanwhile, Kay no longer had any strange feelings about her soon-to-be son-in-law. For so long, she had wondered if Ed was the right person for her daughter, because of her gut. Now, she realized that her gut was telling her that he was always the right one.
27. A Subconscious Realization

Heidi’s mother suggests that perhaps her daughter and son-in-law “had a subconscious realization they had shared that time together when they met as adults.” Meanwhile, Ed and Heidi don’t try and overanalyze it. They just think it was a guidepost, pointing them in the right direction.
“From the moment we started dating we were inseparable and knew we were going to be together forever,” Heidi revealed. Thankfully, they had an excellent foundation for their marriage! And so, the wedding day arrived, and the happy couple finally tied the knot. The wedding marked another adventure on a decades-long romance. After all of Kay’s feelings and discoveries, Ed Savitt finally became her son-in-law!
28. The Lovely Couple

Heidi Parker and Ed Savitt married in a beautiful, lavish ceremony at Haddon Hall in Derbyshire back in 2017. Although they had not intended it at the time, Haddon Hall was the perfect venue for their wedding. Just like their romance, the Hall had stood for decades. Hundreds of guests came to the wedding, and the party lasted until the early hours of the morning.
By the end of the night, everyone even got into the pool on the grounds. Including the bride and groom! Safe to say, Heidi and Ed’s wedding was quite the night to remember. After all, the two had been building towards their marriage for over two decades…
29. Mama Knows Best

If it hadn’t been for Kay persistence, Ed and Heidi would never have known their childhood connection. Furthermore, the odd feeling her son-in-law gave her would never have subsided. Like many weddings, Ed and Heidi’s union brought the families closer together. However, the photos Kay found brought them even closer together. After all, it was a little more like a reunion at that point, right?
“It was not just Heidi and Ed who met on that holiday but all of us as well,” Kay said. “It is just such a lovely, incredible story.” Certainly, it is a story that proves that fairy tales can happen in real life! Of course, after the wedding, the couple had to return to their normal life…
30. A Son-In-Law For Life

While Ed Savitt and Heidi Parker found each other again, their parents also found long-forgotten friends! It was a win-win situation for everybody. Today, Kay and Keith Parker are best friends with Fiona and Jonathan Savitt. What’s more, they love spending time together, just like they did 20 years ago!
Even better, both sets of parents go on vacations together all the time! Just like that trip back in the ‘90s to Turkey. Meanwhile, Ed and Heidi seem very happy! They too go on adventures together just like when they were six! Some things never change…
Of course, Ed Savitt and Heidi Parker are not the only ones who have a decades-old mystery wrapped up in a love story…
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