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Ο CEO της Pfizer, Αλβέρτος Μπουρλά, με τον Κυριάκο Μητσοτάκη / Φωτογραφία: Facebook
Albert Bourla:Δεν εμβολιάστηκα γιατί δεν θέλω να πάρω τη σειρά εκείνων που το έχουν ανάγκη… Ούτε οι διευθυντές ούτε τα μέλη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της Pfizer θα πάρουν τη σειρά άλλων. Θα εμβολιαστούν όταν είναι η ώρα για να το κάνουν, ανάλογα με την ηλικία τους και το επάγγελμά τους.
Ακολουθεί το video της συνέντευξης του Θεσσαλονικιού, Εβραϊκής καταγωγής, Αλβέρτου Μπουρλά, ο οποίος σπούδασε κτηνιατρική στο Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης και εγκατέλειψε την Ελλάδα σε ηλικία 34 ετών. Έχει ζήσει σε επτά διαφορετικές πόλεις σε τέσσερις διαφορετικές χώρες, εργαζόμενος σε τμήματα υγείας των ζώων, προτού γίνει CEO της Pfizer. (Δείτε το βιογραφικό του εδώ.)
Απομαγνητοφώνηση: – I want to ask you also about a very important issue of vaccine hesitancy even folks who get most of their vaccines normally might be hesitant about these vaccines because they were developed so quickly. What do you tell those folks who might be saying, oh, I am going to wait s few months before I get this one.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla: Aaaa, I would tell them I wish that the situation was not so critical so that they can have the luxury to think about it. But the situation is as deadly as it could be right now with the amounts of deaths or new cases that we are facing. So they need to think it twice.
This is a vaccine that was developed without cutting corners, from a company of 171 years of credentials. This is a vaccine that was developed in the spotlight, in the daylight, with all the data being put in servers. This is a vaccine that has been approved in the US by two separate governmental agencies: CDC and FDA after listening to two separate independent scientific bodies. One is from the FDA and the other is ACIP from the CDC. And this is a vaccine that is getting approved by all authorities in the world.
So, that should say something to them. And I repeat, once more, the decision not to vaccinate will not affect only your health or your life. Unfortunately it will affect the lives of others and likely the lives of the people you love the most which are the people that usually you are in contact with. So I think trust science.
-Well, and a question for you: I’ve heard you have not yet had your shot. When do you plan to get it?
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla: Sooner I can, I will. The only sensitivity here… may be is. that I don’t want to have an example that I am cutting the line, that I’m 59 years old in good health. I’m not working in the front line. So my type is not recommended to get vaccination out. So that’s one question there is.
On the other hand our company run a lot of polls to see what will take people to believe it and one of the highest ranking, even higher than if Jo Biden takes it, even higher than if the other presidents take it, it is if the CEO of the company takes it. So, with that in mind, I’m trying to find a way that I will get vaccinated despite it is not my time, just to demonstrate the confidence of the company.
But we have made the decision that if we have to do that we will not do it with our executives. So none of the executives of board members will cut the line. They will take it as their age and the occupation type is the time for them to take.
Shepherd Smith here! Thanks for watching CNBC on youtube.
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