Παρασκευή 9 Ιανουαρίου 2009

Israel continues to target Palestinian medics in Gaza

A Palestinian medic, traveling with two international Human RightsActivists, has been shot by Israeli forces in Jabaliya, northern Gaza.
Red Crescent medic, Hassan al-Attal, was shot through the thigh whilecollecting a civilian killed by Israeli fire from Zemmo, east ofJabaliya refugee camp.Canadian and Spanish Human Rights Activist werepresent as it happened;
"It was very clear that we were a medical team. Yet as two of ourteam, wearing bright red medic uniforms, went to pick up the body,they were fired upon 13 times by an Israeli sniper.
"- Eva Bartlett -Canada International Solidarity Movement."
The Israeli's fired at the ambulance hitting it once. At least sixmedics have already been murdered while fulfilling there duties. Howare the medics supposed to work? For every ten attempts the Red Crescent make to co-ordinate their humanitarian missions with theIsraelis, only two are allowed. This means that the Israelis arerefusing to allow 80 percent of medical missions to operate with anyform of safety."
Alberto Arce – Spain; International SolidarityMovement
At least six Palestinian medical personnel have been killed by Israeli attacks in the eight past days.
International Solidarity Movement activists are accompanyingambulances through out the Gaza strip. They are working with medicalpersonnel during the Israeli Occupation Forces' ground invasion intothe Gaza strip.On December 31st, medic Mohammed Abu Hassera was killed on the spot ashis ambulance was shelled while trying to access the wounded. Dr IhabAl Mathoon, who was also on the ambulance, died in hospital a fewhours later. On the 4th January, Yaser Shbeir, Raf'at Al-A'kluk, ArafaHani 'Abdul Dayem and Anes Fadel Na'im were killed when Israeli shellstargeted the ambulances they worked in.
For the footage taken by Spanish Human Rights Activist Alberto Arce, given to Ramatan News Agency inside Gaza: eutelsatw6. downlink 11691.08 horizontal symbol rate 2.894. this will work if ec is 3 over4 (satellite co-ordinates)

Please Contact the eye witnesses:
Alberto Arce Spain - (Spanish) - +972 59 8786094
Eva Bartlett - Canada (English) - +972 59 8836308

* Όσοι θέλετε και μπορείτε, προσπαθήστε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί τους. Είναι μέσα στη Γάζα και δεν φοράνε κράνη σαν τους έλληνες ανταποκριτές που βγαίνουν από τα ξενοδοχεία της Μοσάντ, για να διαβάσουν τις ανακοινώσεις των ναζί ισραηλινών.

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