Δευτέρα 19 Απριλίου 2010

Call for participation in "Bloggers4Gaza" team blog

In all efforts to support movements against the harsh occupation of Palestine by the State of Israel, a crucial point is breaking the news to people. 

Mainstream channels of information make only superficial mentions to the Palestinian issue and, mostly, reproducing only body counts. From time to time, a sentimental article might fill an empty layout space.

The purpose of our initiative is to function in support to various groups' efforts on breaking the siege of Gaza. We would like to work on the lines of a) breaking the news about movements against the occupation and b) collect information regarding current situation in Gaza. For this,

  • We call out to everyone interested, who is willing to work along these lines, either frequently or rarely, to partake in "bloggers4gaza"
  • We ask for your contribution in creating a framework for this blog's function
Our initial propositions concerning this framework are as follow: (Important: nothing is final, nothing is pre-defined and the final form of the framework will be created in a climate of understanding.)
  1. Greek and English versions of the posts, in order for content to be accessible from other groups in all countries. Translation will be handled - in case it's not possible for the author - by the editors (and, of course, anyone else interested)
  2. Limited length of articles, in order to concentrate on essential information, instead of getting overloaded with verbalism. Our purpose is to provide info, not just sentimental propaganda.
  3. Limit on posts number per day, in order to create a regular flow of articles, not overwhelming for the reader.
  4. Focus - as much as possible - on direct information or analysis, instead of simply reproducing of existing material.
  5. Direct communication among authors and editors, regarding editing - translation - formatting of articles.
We will be happy to hear from you here, in comments area below, or - if you are not comfortable with posting publicly your contact info - through the "Contact" form.

Hoping to fruitfully collaborate with you,
The "Bloggers4Gaza" 's initial team. 

"O σιωπών δοκεί συναινείν"

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To μπλόκ " Στοχσμός-Πολιτική" είναι υπεύθυνο μόνο για τα δικά του σχόλια κι όχι για αυτά των αναγνωστών του...Eπίσης δεν υιοθετεί απόψεις από καταγγελίες και σχόλια αναγνωστών καθώς και άρθρα που το περιεχόμενο τους προέρχεται από άλλες σελίδες και αναδημοσιεύονται στον παρόντα ιστότοπο και ως εκ τούτου δεν φέρει οποιασδήποτε φύσεως ευθύνη.