Παρασκευή 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Ορδές ώριμων Γερμανίδων κατακλύζουν τα θέρετρα της Κένυας για σεξ με τους περιβόητους ιθαγενείς επιβήτορες [βίντεο: The Beach Boys: Objects of Desire]

Εδώ και δεκαετίες, τα παραθεριστικά κέντρα στην Κένυα δεν φημίζονται μονάχα για τις παραλίες τους και το έντονο φολκλόρ στοιχείο, αλλά και για έναν άλλο τουριστικά ελκυστικό παράγοντα που μπορεί να συνοψιστεί σε μία και μόνο λέξη: σεξ!
Πράγματι, λευκές, ώριμες ως επί το πλείστον και εύπορες, γυναίκες απ' όλη την Ευρώπη - κυρίως Γερμανίδες - καταφθάνουν μαζικά στα θέρετρα της αναπτυσσόμενης Κένυας με ένα και μοναδικό στόχο: να γευτούν το μυθικό καρπό, κοινώς να επιδοθούν σε έκλυτο σεξ με τους περίφημους «Moran» («πολεμιστές»), τους φημισμένους για τις σεξουαλικές τους ικανότητες ιθαγενείς εραστές των φυλών Μασάι και Σαμπούρου.

Σε αυτό το μύθο συνέβαλε τα μέγιστα το δημοφιλέστατο κατά τη δεκαετία του '90 αυτοβιογραφικό βιβλίο 320 σελίδων της Κορίν Χόφμαν με τίτλο που δεν αφήνει περιθώρια για παρερμηνείες: Η εξωτική ιστορία μου έρωτα και περιπέτειας με τους Μασάι.

Εκεί, η Χόφμαν εξιστορούσε πώς αποφάσισε να εγκαταλείψει τον άντρα της για χάρη ενός πολεμιστή στον οποίο χάρισε επίσης ένα παιδί.

Καθώς αποκαλύπτει το ακόλουθο βίντεο ρεπορτάζ, ο μύθος δεν είναι αβάσιμος: ορδές ώριμων Ευρωπαίων γυναικών σπεύδουν να ζήσουν το απόλυτο ερωτικό ειδύλλιο στην παραδεισένια γωνιά της αφρικανικής ηπείρου, στην Μομπάσα της Κένυας.

Τα υπόλοιπα επί της οθόνης:

There is a conventional piece of wisdom among the storied Samburu and Masai warriors of Mombasa, Kenya. It holds that white women will travel great distances to fuck them.

This wisdom, in part, derives from a wildly popular 1998 book by Corinne Hofmann: The White Masai: My Exotic Tale of Love and Adventure. Over the course of her 320-page autobiography, the author reveals how she left her husband for a warrior and bore him a love child.

The "true story" seemed like a myth, so Vocativ went to the area to investigate. What we learned far exceeded our expectations. Ms. Hofmann wasn't the first and she certainly won't be the last.

Here's the download: White European women, especially Germans and women "of a certain age," do indeed flock here in droves looking for sex and, in some instances, love. Across the web, there are numerous forums and Facebook fan groups, some with hundreds of active members, devoted exclusively to the joy of such romances. Apparently, warriors just do it better.

But these warriors' monopoly on the German beach bunnies (er, rabbits) is currently in jeopardy, threatened by a motley crew of Rastafarians, known as "Beach Boys," who are increasingly encroaching on warrior territory. Watch our short film, and see, firsthand, how the battle for male prostitution supremacy is playing out—and how conventional wisdom became weirdly conventional.

The Tribulations of Kenyan Beach Boys: Former Beach Boys from Germany Speak

Maasai with a white brideFinally the Kenyan media mentions the infamous film on European sugarmamas in Mombasa Paradise Love (Paradies Liebe)film. In a documentary aired by KTN, they discussed the film briefly and showed some footing but if you’re expecting discussions on how demeaning the movie was….not today. So the whole feature gets to talk to beach boys in Lamu both current and past, who discuss their lives running after white women at the Kenyan coast.
In the feature they talk to former beach boys who discuss how their lives changed by getting married to white women who would take them to Europe only to send them back when they (the white women) fell “out of love”. One of the former beach boys points out that he regrets not having had a family, due to the time he wasted with his white sugar-mama.
Surprisingly, current beach boys who have heard these stories don’t relate from their search, with one saying “(he) wants to go see for (himself)”. Also a mother to two former beach boys who’re currently in Europe with their sugar mamas  says she’s proud of her sons because they have bought her a house and she can now afford to buy chewing gum (Big G) and soda. Sadly, she doesn’t know which country they live in nor what kind of lives they live. To her as long as she gets money when she asks for it, what her sons do is none of her business.
I find it sad that one guy says confidently that he plans to come and start a business in Europe, yet he’s not willing to work in Kenya, amazingly he thinks starting a company in Europe is easier than being employed in Kenya. It’s sad that these boys are being warned and they don’t want to hear, apparently even kids in school actually say “when I grow up, I’d like to become a beach boy”….
Anyhu, with all my spoiler, I hope you’ll still enjoy the show. You can also read about other beach boy stories: Kenyan Beach boys share their thoughts on European Sugar Mamas in Mombasa.

"O σιωπών δοκεί συναινείν"

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