Η τελική συμφωνία θα έχει 24 κεφάλαια , ομαδοποιούνται σε 4 μέρη:
Σχετικά για αρχή: http://stoxasmos-politikh.blogspot.gr/search?q=ttip
TO ΑΥΘΕΝΤΙΚΟ ΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ CETA = Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement / Συνολική Οικονομική και Εμπορική Συμφωνία, μεταξύ Ε.Ε. και Καναδά | 1.598 σελίδες μόνο - κ.κ. βουλευτές και ευρωβουλευτές καλό διάβασμα:
UNITED STATES | Brussels, 14 July 2016
EU negotiating texts in TTIP
A final agreement would have 24 chapters, grouped together in 4 parts:
The European Commission is negotiating TTIP as openly as possible.
And as part of our latest transparency initiative, we're publishing:
- 2-page factsheets, in plain language
- negotiating texts we've given US negotiators:
- EU textual proposals on parts 2 and 3 of the TTIP – these set out how we'd want a final deal to read, line by line
- EU position papers what we want to achieve in a chapter.
We will publish further texts as they become available.
We will make the whole text of the agreement public once negotiations have been concluded – well in advance of its signature and ratification.
For the text of a recently completed EU trade agreement, see the text of the EU-Canada Free Trade Agreement (CETA).
EU negotiating texts, chapter by chapter
Part 1: Market Access
Better access to the US market
- Factsheets
- EU position papers
- EU textual proposals
Part 2: Regulatory Cooperation
Cutting red tape and costs - without cutting corners
Part 3: Rules
New rules to make it easier and fairer to export, import and invest
Part 4: Institutional
For further information
"O σιωπών δοκεί συναινείν"
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